Soon enough, you'll find yourself facing Shadow of War's most strategic challenge: assaulting and conquering fortresses. Just be warned: those helpful spiders also pack a nasty poison bite, so get your fill and leave the rest to harry your pursuers. And both rats and spiders are easier to spot scurrying around if you drop into wraith vision and look for their telltale ghost-white outlines. Just pop them with your elfshot and you'll find yourself with a ready supply of Middle-earth's energy drink equivalent. Spiders will serve just as well, and you can often find their nests gummed onto the sides of walls or over doorways. They're incredibly quick to drain and provide nearly as much health as an orc, but bear in mind that they're not the only tiny creatures you can use to top off your HP. This is where the tiny denizens of Mordor come in - and luckily, rats are pretty ubiquitous on Sauron's home turf. This is problematic, however, when you're being pursued by a pack of captains and their attendant minions, given how long it takes to suck health out of orc-shaped containers.
Though your health will recharge a bit on its own when out of combat, you'll need to drain the health of some unsuspecting foes to get back into fighting shape. Sometimes just escaping isn't enough, especially if you intend to go back and finish the job.